Welcome to my new Web site! Here are afew pixs of my very busy station. And my one tower antenna system.The collins station in the pix are gone.Im trying to thin down, but after 40 yrs Ive collected alot of stuff.. I hope to get back into small scale contesting again. The last true contest I did was in 1966 where I WON the novice roundup in the LA section. Back then it was xtal controlled and I believe the contest lasted about two weeks. Please check back for more updates soon. Tnxs, 73 de Steve N6TT
Amateur Radio Station N6TT      
100 % Morse Code
3el WARC @110',3.5mhz Force12 dipole,3el 7mhz 95',6el 10,15,20 @90'
Manhattan Beach, California U.S.A

This is a US Towers Heavy Duty 89' with a 25' pole on the top - Up and down is controlled in the shack. The antennas from the top down is a 3 el Cushcraft A3 with 30 mtr add on at 110', next is a Force 12 -3.5mhz rotatable dipole, Force 12 -3 el Yagi for 7mhz and at the bottom at 90' is a KLM KT34xxa with 5el on 14/21 mhz and 6 el on 28mhz with sloppers for 160 mtrs. The rotor is a M2 RC2800P-A the Orion.

On the left is a Yaesu FT1000D and a Alpha 87a amplifier. I'm using the MFJ-989c tuner with it. This station is setup on 10,15 and 20 meters. Everything is computer controlled using a 2ghz system with LOGic 6 logging software and TRX-Manager for everyday operations, and N1MM logger software for contesting. A rigblaster is used with the 1000D for digital modes. On the right is a Ten-Tec OMNI 6+.Ten-Tec Titan 425 amp, Antenna coupler all rack mounted. I use this station on the WARC bands.
Recently I traded for a Icom 756 Pro which I now run on 40 mtrs with my 3 element yagi at 100' , I'm running a second Alpa 87a and Ameritron ATR30 tuner. Everything is controlled with a "New" 3ghz,1gig ram,200mb HD and a pair of monitors. I'm using the same software on this system to control the station. I have two WBL paddles which I use for everyday operations. One on the Pro station and the other shares duties with the 1000D and Omni 6+.
Alot has changed in amateur radio in my 42 yrs of pounding the brass, We were using pencil and paper for everything, It has been quite a challenge getting everything working properly to control all three stations with vaious pieces of software. I installed a 4 com port board in the 2 ghz and a 8 com port serial board in the 3 ghz system. Both cards were bought through Byterunners and they can be found at http://www.byterunners.com .They were very easy to install and config, I barely get by with these computers,
This coming year Id like to play around with remote of a HF station. I think setting up a camera in the shack would be fun. There is so much to do within our hobby.

*02-01-2003 Congrats to Westley Chen a neighbor lad of 14 years who passed his Extra last week.  Westley WA6CKO his friend David (another new ham) and I  installed his G5RV and Icom 706MKIIG, His first contact was on 20 mtr SSB with a station in Washington. His father wouldnt let us utilize the roof so we had to string the antenna along the fence in between towering two story houses operating from a second story station using a poor ground system. It was great to see the look on the boys faces during the first Qso, Lets hope more young lads like Westley get envolved with HF operations. I guess its too much to hope he would enjoy CW as Morse isnt used other then the special forces and Hams . The code mode (CW) bit me at a young age of 11 yrs and I havnt been able to shake it yet. I enjoyed SSB for afew years but CW is my true love, it relaxes me to have a nice Qso or run a few JA or EU stations.
2008   New station at N6TT
Well I finally got the new station finished in January of 2008. The main station is now a Icom IC-7800 and 2 Alpha 87a's. One rig I leave on 40 CW and the other on 10,15,20 CW. I use the old FT-1000D on the WARC bands. I use a new Palstar AT-AUTO kw tuner and a ATR-30. The antenna system now consists of a US Towers HD89MP motorized which I can control from the shack with a CX-333 on the top of the tower at 111' then the Cushcraft 3 element beam with a 30 meter add on at 110' then the M2 beam on 7 MHz which is 3 elements at 100' and finally a new 4 element Steppir beam at 90'. I put two Cushcraft 144/440 Mhz beams at 95' and 105' that I run through ICE splitters for the scanners and Icom receivers.  Still using the M2 RC-3800P-A rotor which has been up since 1997. The computers are 2 desktops with two 22" widescreen monitors. I just purshased two more 22" Dell monitors and I will make it into a quad arrangment with four monitors, two stacked on top of the two you see in the picture. I hope to post more pictures when Im finished.
Im using Ham radio deluxe for general logging software and N1MM Logger for contests. I also use TRX-Manager and Arc-780 to control the scanners and rx. I use a RadioShack Pro-2096,Pro-2005, Pro-95,Pro-51,Uniden BC-780XLT, Icom IC-7000,Icom IC-7100. I use the V22 non iambic paddles by Stan W9WBL.
Old Station set-up in 1997 N6TT
This is Sadee my lab dog who is 1 1/2 years in this picture. She can usually be found under my feet while I work CW. She is my champion Frisbee catcher.
Here are a few more pictures of the new shack as it was being built in 2007. This is a case where I display my old CW keys and telegraph pieces.I will post a picture of it finished with the keys in it soon.